Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Mission: The Equity Committee will collaborate with and lead the Cyber Village Academy community in cultivating a culture of equity that includes restorative practices and reflects the contributions, perspectives and interest of diverse racial/ethnic groups.
The Role of the Equity Committee is to:Top of Page
- Promote mutual understanding between the community and the district
- Promote inclusion, justice and equity in our school
- Collaborate with the CVA Professional Learning Community to identify and implement initiatives that best support students.
- Actively create, coordinate and support partnerships that engage students and families in boosting academic achievement.
- Connect students and programs within the school to the broader community.
- Analyze student performance and discipline data in order to recommend interventions.
- Build and sustain relationships with stakeholder groups in the community to support equity goals.
- Support stakeholder voices in school decision making.
Contact the Equity Committee - The committee would love to hear your questions, concerns or suggestionsTop of Page
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