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Cyber Village Academy's Mission

Cyber Village Academy prepares students to meet the challenge of a rapidly changing world with confidence by helping them to become inquiring, knowledgeable, caring and active citizens who value academic rigor, integrity, self reliance and compassion.
We are Cyber Village Academy, and that says a lot!


Technology used in meaningful ways to support and enhance learning

Technology used to connect people to each other across barriers of time and space

Technology used responsibly and effectively with an emphasis on quality rather than glitz

Technology used to increase efficiency of all school operations


Where students, families and staff members feel connected to each other in positive and meaningful ways

Where all parents, guardians, students, teachers and families of all sorts are welcomed equally

Where the school community connects to the local neighborhood and supports worthy local causes

Where meaningful projects connect the school to the broader world nationally and internationally


Truly high academic standards for all students

Students, families, teachers and staff dedicated to quality education

A place that welcomes robust and meaningful discussions

A true learning community where individuals of all ages are continually expanding their knowledge and skills

Cyber Village Academy offers two distinct programs to meet students' different needs, Fusion and PASCAL. Fusion is our hybrid on-campus/online program, and PASCAL is fully online.

Students identify which program they wish to participate in when they initially enroll in the school. Usually students stick with the program they initially choose, but some students do switch from one to the other to find what works best for them.

Click here for more information on the K-12 Fusion program

Click here for more information on the PASCAL, CVA's 100% Online School program

Our high school also has Fusion and PASCAL,CVA's 100% Online High School, options. Click here for more information about the high school.

Community Experiences & Clubs offer a unique experience for the CVA students!
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Our unique schedule in our Fusion and PASCAL program offers a lot of flexibility which allows the schools, individual students and families to seek out a variety of unique opportunities. CVA is striving to offer environmental and cultural opportunities thorughout the year. In order to make this happen we would love to have your support.  Please donate to our cause below!

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What is CVA?
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If you were to ask a member of Cyber Village Academy of any capacity (student, parent of a student, teacher, staff, etc) where do you go to school or where do you work, the answer will most likely be CVA.  The next question will be “What is CVA?”.
We are asked a variation of that question often and we never get tired of answering.  We will use this little corner of our About page to post commonly asked questions.  Regardless of it being asked before, we will answer it here.
So, what is CVA?  CVA is an acronym our members affectionately use to refer to Cyber Village Academy, a Minneapolis MN Charter School offering hybrid on campus and 100% online school options for anyone residing in Minnesota since 1998. We inspire, challenge and prepare students everyday, learn more in our about section!